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Residências da Matinha (Matinha’s residencies), conjured by Miragem, proposes a transposition of the creative
gesture towards the collective, the environment and the community. In a prolonged encounter in time
between an artist with a group of people from the island, what are the intersections, deepenings and questions to arise?
How do they relate, formally and conceptually, the various cultural manifestations? What places open up in such dialogue
and what is created?

In 2024, Residências da Matinha will host Sílvia das Fadas, from 15 to 27 July, and Ivo Lopes, from 3 to 11 August.
Each residency brings together an artist with a group of people from the island of Pico, in a meeting where contemporary
practices are formally or methodologically related to specific cultural manifestations of the island and of the
communities that shape it.


(offering of bread)

It invites the women of Pico to collectively deepen the various histories of sabotage, with itsuses and concrete experiences, as a mode of counter-productivity, a refusal to let ourselves be consumed by work, a figuration of dissent.

What kind of famine has passed through here, what's still going on? What do we sow, reap, grind, ferment, knead, strain, charm, cook and eat?

Through meetings and sharing of know-how, populated by seeds and propitiatory rites, texts, sounds and moving images, together we will research what needs to be sabotaged, co-creating an inventive process to live in a different(s) way(s), in a place different from the one assigned to us.

Organized by Miragem with Sílvia das Fadas

Introductory meeting on July 17, between 18h00 and 20h00, at the Paim Library.

Requires availability on 20 and 21, 25 and 26 July
(times to be determined between the participants)

Registration until July 15th to
including name, telephone contact and parish
of residence